University of Montana loses finance vice president to college on Lake Tahoe

University of Montana vp Blogging Kit for administration and finance Mike Reid popular a function at Sierra Nevada College on Lake Tahoe. His remaining day at UM may be Sept. 1. His departure means 3 cabinet officials at UM may have period in-between status heading into the faculty 12 months, including the pinnacle two leaders — president and provost. It also leaves open a vital role focused on price range when UM is running to overhaul its price range. Reid has been at UM because of 2013. Interim UM President Sheila Stearns stated she regrets the VP is leaving. However, she has a plan to fill the job quickly. “I will employ a period in-between vice chairman through this Friday,” Stearns said in an email Monday. “We have a deeper bench on campus and within the network than the general public comprehend.

“We will be well-staffed and well-served for the challenges in advance of us.” UM has been dealing with budget difficulties related to an ongoing enrollment decline, but Reid said the flagship’s economic challenges did not impact his selection to leave. He will begin an activity at the non-public liberal arts college with an enrollment of roughly 1,000 at Incline Village, Nevada, on Sept. 18. “We’re searching out a trade-in satisfactory of lifestyles, and this changed into an opportunity that looked truly inviting to us,” Reid stated of himself and his spouse, Shauna.


UM has experienced a sea change in the president’s cupboard during the last couple of years, and period in-between leaders already sit in its top two posts. In the 2015-2016 faculty year, four UM officers introduced retirements. Last summer season, the university introduced onboard a new provost. Beverly Edmond; a new communications director, Paula Short; and a new vice chairman for pupil affairs, Tom Crady, also took on enrollment. UM additionally promoted Mario Schulzke, associate VP of integrated communications and chief advertising officer, and augmented his communications obligations. It rolled a number of the responsibilities of the outgoing head of the Alumni Association into Short’s task. In December 2016, Commissioner Clayton Christian asked that former UM President Royce Engstrom step down, and Christian appointed Stearns to fill the function temporarily. A search is underway for an everlasting president, and the look for Provost changed into suspended till the look for president is complete.


Stearns stated the vice president of finance job might also continue to be essentially identical for the approaching yr. However, it relies upon in component the experience and abilities of the interim vice-chairman she selects. “The period in-between vice president and I will proceed with necessary choices for both brief and lengthy-term finance and administrative planning,” Stearns stated in an email. “We will also research options for the new president to put together with him or her for a deliberative seek.”


She said the new period in-between finance VP would need to comply with paintings for numerous months “or as long as it takes for the brand new president to clarify or redefine the process of the sort of key member of the administration.” “The transition can be clean, properly-knowledgeable, and forward-shifting,” Stearns said in an email. “We will surely omit Mike, a valued colleague; however, we will not lose any steam in our progress as a unified team closer to constructing a robust, growing, fiscally sound university.”

In an e-mail to the campus Friday, Stearns praised Reid for his management at UM. “Mike has been integral to overseeing all administrative and economic help sports on our campus, however also operating with our associates in Butte, Dillon, and Helena,” Stearns stated. “Mike supplied leadership to Business Services, Facilities Services, (Human Resources), (UM Police Department), the Adams Center, and Institutional Research, further to Budget and Fiscal Affairs. “As I consider the numerous accomplishments in those regions over time, I want to thank Mike for his service to UM and want him the very satisfactory in this thrilling new undertaking.”

In the e-mail, Stearns also said the move puts Reid and his relatives’ circle toward dad and mom and another family. Reid said he’s going to continue to cherish UM despite his departure in a smartphone call. “My spouse and I love Missoula, love the University of Montana,” Reid said. “We desire to continue to be a part of the institution and the network in the destiny; however that is an exciting opportunity for us that we are looking ahead to and hope it’s a clean transition.”

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