When To Hire a Lawyer After a Vehicle Collision

Car accidents happen in every town and city the world over every day. There’s a difference between minor fender benders and accidents that cause long-term, serious injury or death. If you or a loved one have been in a car accident to no fault of your own and will suffer long-term damages, it’s time to call a lawyer. If you’re unsure what a lawyer could do after a serious car accident, read on for a few questions to ask yourself.

Who is at fault?

Vehicle Collision

Before picking up the phone, decide who you believe was at fault. If you have adequate auto insurance and are at fault, your insurance company will represent you. While it might be a good idea to contact an attorney anyway, the reality is that most people need an attorney if they aren’t at fault but have experienced a bodily injury.

If you weren’t at fault, or the accident was both driver’s fault, you’ll also want to consider how severe the damage and injuries are. Regardless of who the faulty driver is, not everything will be covered under either driver’s insurance policy. If this is the case, you’ll want the extra help from an attorney with years of experience in personal injury claims and legal options after a car crash.

Maybe you lived in Colorado and were rear-ended on the way to your favorite ski mountain. Perhaps you experienced a personal injury that means loss of wages, occupational and physical therapy, and lengthy rehab. If running a claim through your auto insurance company isn’t working, the person who hit you was underinsured or uninsured, or if you’re worried about medical expenses that aren’t being covered, a quick Google search for ‘car accident lawyer Denver‘ could help.

How covered are you?


The next thing you’ll want to consider is your car insurance. When reporting your accident to your car insurance company, determine what they will cover and what won’t. Review your policy to see what they offer for injured drivers. Ask about covering minor injuries and the other driver, too. Until the fault driver has been officially established, you’ll want to know as much as you can about your policy, so you know whether you’ll need a lawyer and can get your finances in order.

Regardless of who the injured party is or whether a wrongful death is involved, find out from the police officer who came to the scene or your insurance company if the other driver was insured. This will be important regarding who will pay for medical costs associated with your accident. For example, an uninsured driver will need a lawyer if car insurance won’t cover a car wreck. If the other driver has comprehensive insurance, that might be different. Knowing both drivers’ coverages will go a long way in deciding if you need legal help.

Will your damages extend into the future?

If you’ve suffered a bodily injury that could involve long-term recovery, you most definitely need an attorney. They can help navigate a personal injury case and settlement options, among other things. No one deserves to suffer from someone else’s negligence, like drunk driving. If the at-fault party in your case isn’t paying fair compensation after your accident, a personal injury attorney can help make things right.

They will be able to handle your injury case and understand what fair compensation for future damages looks like. Even if you aren’t sure whether you need to file a personal injury lawsuit, it’s worth calling a personal injury attorney. Most lawyers will offer a free consultation and give you options regarding your potential suit. Contacting an attorney after a car crash doesn’t obligate you to hire that law firm, but it could give you answers that will make a big difference.

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